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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
india GOLD +plant & map 30
india GRAIN +plant & circle 7
indian AYUCULTURE +plant 3
indian TREAT +plant square 30
instant IDENTITI +plant 42
j +plant & square 30
plant 5
j nature's wealth +plant 5
jai kisaan +plant & sun 1
jai kisaan MANCOSAAN +plant 5
jai kisaan biophos +plant 1
jai kisaan sampatti +plant 1
jain THIBAK +plant & drop 16
jal jeera +plant 30
janta +globe bird & plant 30
plant 11
jj matches +plant & oval 34
jmd TOTLA'S MANORAM +plant 30
js SATKAR tea +plant circle 30
k +plant & square 5
k BENOX-ac +plant 5
k KERSOM +squares & plant 24
k KURACNE +plant & square 5
k KURAGE +plant & square 5
k KURCEF +plant 5
k KURFER +plant 5
k KURIT +plant & square 35
k KURMAC +plant & square 5
k dricare +plant 5
kailash tea +plant & square 30
plant 1
karur KM +plant 23, 24
key & plant 36, 42
kfcl CHAMBAL KHAD +plant 1
kha KALPIKA +flask & plant 3
kutch AF +plant & circle 5
l +gogwheel & plant 1
l LAALWALA'S +plant & circl 43
leaf plant & square 35
life school +plant & arcs 41
little MASTER +chef & plant 30
m +plant & oval 30
m +stripes & plant 33
m MARICO +plant 1, 5, 29, 30, 31, 42
m MEHTACHEM +plant 5
m MINT RAY +oval & plant 16
m MITAL FED +plant 31
madhumeh VIJAY +plant 5
mai JAMAA +globe & plant 24
man & plant 3, 5, 16
man flower plant circles 34
mast MAGIK +plant & oval 32
mci +plant & oval 31, 35
meghdoot +plant 3
men & plant 35
mf MAHAVIR fabrics +plant 24
mobi-GUARD HERBVEDA +plant 5
monet XLNC +plant 3
monkey & plant 34
mp MAIZE +plant 1, 5, 30
msd AGVET +plant 16
mw +plant 30
n +plant & square 35
n GLENCOE t +hand & plant 30
n NAHATA'S +plant 30
n NAVIN AYURVEDA +plant 35
n NAVRANG +plant 24
na NAVYA agro +plant 31
national madras +plant 20, 21
natural +plant & bird 30
natural ALOEMAX +plant 3
natural bath & body +plant 3
natural care +plant 16
naturals +plant 29, 30, 31
nature for energy +plant 5
nature fresh GOLD +plant 30
nature's OWN +plant 5
nav KRISHIDHAN +plant & ova 5
navin tea HK +plant 30
neem honey +plant & square 5
neem soap +plant 3
plant 30
new FRESH mint +plant 3
new GLENCOE +hand & plant 30
new JHAPAS WIMCO +plant 34
new MALAR +plant 25
new MEDIWAVE +plant 16
nikita AMRUT tea +plant 30
ns +cows plant & oval 31
nurture +butterfly & plant 41
nutri health +man & plant 5
om +man plant bowl & circle 9
om +man bowl plant & circle 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41
om +man bowl plant & oval 28
om +man bowl & plant 19
om +sun man plant & bowl 18
om +sun man pot & plant 10
orange LEAF +orange & plant 3
organically pure +plant 1
original HL +plant & circle 5
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